Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Agency and the Atonement

I was thinking this morning about the atonement of Jesus Christ.  It is such an important part of our Father in Heaven's plan for us.  I was pondering today on the role of agency, or freedom of choice, in the atonement.  God freely chose His son Jesus Christ to perform the atonement and make salvation possible for all of God's children.  There were other plans presented but God chose to center His plan on His son Jesus Christ and the atonement.  In turn Jesus Christ accepted the call to be our savior.  In the New Testament, the record of Satan tempting Christ is described in great detail.  He could have yielded to the powers of the devil if he wanted to, but He didn't.  He freely chose to continue His mortal ministry.  Also, while suffereing in the garden of Gethsemane Christ uttered the words, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42).  Our savior Jesus Christ chose to submit His will to the will of His Father.  Because of choices made by Jesus Christ salvation is available to all.

In following Christ's example, we are to choose to have the atonement in our lives.  As we righteously use our agency and repent of our sins we can return to live with our Eternal Father in Heaven.  I know that this is true.

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